The Abrahamic Faiths are all Refugee Religions. Abraham was a nomad. Ishmael and Hagar were cast out by Abraham. The Prophet Muhammad descended from the refugee Ismael. All of Israel lived as refugees, and then as slaves in Egypt. Moses and the children of Israel wandered as migrants in the wilderness for 40 years. Jesus, Joseph and Mary were refugees in Egypt. You cannot be a true adherent of the Abrahamic Faiths and mistreat migrants and refugees. You cannot be a real Christian and intentionally inflict harm upon refugees fleeing persecution.
There is life beyond life, hope beyond hope, and potential beyond potential.
When you do good you are uplifting ALL of the world!
We are entering a new era. It will be an era of peace and prosperity. The question is, "Will we usher the new era in peacefully?"
The response to the wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Merkel shows how desperately hungry the world is for good news, happy news, and hope.
The prophecies that have been given have not been aborted. What has been stated concerning Russia and Korea will occur.
What is the cause of gun violence in schools? Do our children feel valued? Is society telling children that they are of no value by failing to invest in schools, teacher salaries, and education. Is society and the political system stealing the hope of a future from children? Could this be the real problem?
A government must be established on morals. A government established on power or favors will aways ultimately fail.
A house divided amongst itself cannot stand, and a government of a people divided amongst itself cannot stand.
Who killed JFK? Was there a cover-up? Why has Communism continued to exist? Why has the shadow government of the Russian government continued to exist? Is there really Russian meddling?
The word is powerful and creative; therefore, lying is a misuse of creative power!
The actions of Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Trump have invoked the wrath of the Divine.
You have chosen your leaders. This means you have chosen your fate and your karma.
Spiritual growth is required for the survival of humankind.
People blame governments for poor leadership; however, governments and leaders merely mirror the will and consciousness of the people that they govern.
God has given you so much more than you have realized or claimed.
This world is temporary. The world beyond this life is eternal.
Truth is immutable and unchanging. It is an eternal constant.
As the world transitions from one Historical Age to another Historical Age we are in a time of great upheaval and chaos; however, there will come a time of great peace.
Charity is active outgoing love. This love allows the Divine to manifest through you. This is the fastest and surest path of soul growth.